An African fossil fuel extremist shows his ‘True colors’ during a rift with Portuguese environment minister!

Not many African countries are making a big move in regards to continuous economical growth and increased employment opportunities for locals. That’s why a sound growth strategy and sincere implementation are so vitally required right now. Having that said, this notion doesn’t go well with few of the individuals like NJ Ayuk.
NJ Ayuk of the African Energy Chamber has publicly changed the regulations to protect the oil and gas sector. He is basically a dissatisfied businessman who accuses western economic pressure of pressuring Africa to adopt environmental protection measures. His peculiar dress code, populist swagger, and pro-fossil fuel rhetoric show that he is shameless in his belief that Africa should be allowed to extract natural gas even though he acknowledges climate change.
I took an African viewpoint when I was composing Ayuk’s story. He will perform on stage alongside the President at the Euro-African Forum in Portugal, I discovered from social media.
A former Portuguese environment minister named Joo Pedro Matos Fernandes was also scheduled to participate in the debate. I believed I would succeed. Among the other speakers were José Maria Neves, president of Cape Verde, Marcelo Nuno Duarte Rebelo de Sousa, president of Portugal, José Manuel Duro Barroso, chairman of the EurAfrican Forum, Joseph P. McMonigle, secretary-general of the International Energy Forum, Benedict OkechukwuOramah, president and chairman of Afreximbank.
During the break, I walked up to him, and he smiled. He said with a mocking smirk, “You’re Fake News.” You won’t be able to convince me to speak out in favor of Africa’s oil and gas industry. My questions received no responses. I just stared at him in horror. He earned reputation for being trustworthy. Reuters, Forbes, and a young activist all picked him up. He gave a response that was helpful. You were aware that the protesters outside were dupes and that he had a well-thought-out plan.
He was questioned by the professor over the decarbonization strategy. Ayuk: “We need to immediately begin generating more gas and drill more gas wells.” What is the business strategy of the African Energy Chamber? Oil and gas believers in Europe and Africa must digress, quarrel, and be exciting. I’m supposed to stop them. Inspiring Africans to become, in Mother Theresa’s words, “a pencil in God’s hand” and start a new chapter in their lives by addressing critical day-to-day issues like energy poverty, employment, personal responsibility, and free markets while concentrating on our individual circumstances and tearing down the current worldview.
In order to aid Africa’s development, he pushed Europe to immediately decarbonize. He asserted that China and Russia chuckle at the poor energy policies of their respective nations.
The Minister of Environment and Energy Transition questioned Ayuk’s support for oil and gas, to which Ayuk replied, “You are why politicians shouldn’t be involved in energy affairs.” Africans shouldn’t be made to pay for European pollution as it’s global warming, not African warmth, that’s the issue.
The Minister was furious because Ayuk had insulted him by referring to natural gas as “Green Gas.” He had wisdom. He was aware that the Minister would lose his cool if he was challenged about fossil fuels. The Minister got angry when he kept barraging him with information regarding oil and gas. He refused to let the feelings of the Minister affect him.
Politicians’ attacks on the oil and gas sector in Europe and Africa “would hinder energy workers and our energy security.” Climate activists are preventing the construction of the East African Crude Oil Pipeline, the Mozambique LNG, the South African Seismic programs, and other oil and gas projects in Africa, but the African Energy Chamber is pushing back. Free markets should drive the transition, not naive campaigners. Ayuk continued.
He shows his debating prowess by stating to the audience that “Africa’s green gas is still the only source of abundant, affordable, and reliable energy, not pricey solar and wind.” Ayuk calmly explained to the group that oil and gas are crucial to industrial civilization and were the first things that made it possible. The industrialization of oil and gas boosted living standards and brought affluence to the West; even Jesus liked to use natural gas. why don’t China and India are experiencing a decline in absolute and energy poverty as a result of industrialization and more liberalized markets. Some people in Europe believe that Africans don’t deserve it.
Luis Magalhaes discredits Ayuk’s views on oil and gas. “It is bad to have a figure who wants to discuss oil and gas more. bad flavor “His confidence is in free markets” Carlos Sousa had Ayuk in mind when he said, “I find it unfathomable that a respectable man would yield to the oil business.” Nobody should prevent Africans from utilising their gas resources to develop. Even God has the choice between heaven and hell. Ayuk will burn in hell as payment for opposing climate change.
Ayuk consistently promotes western stance and has a fascinating mastery of his terrifying terminology related to fossil fuels. Unintentionally, those who hate the oil and gas sector use Ayuk’s as a punching bag. This is where I thought of taking a dig at NJ Ayuk’s way of acting as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.